Saturday, July 16, 2011

Zoo Pictures - Better Late Than Never!

Our neighbors invited us to go to the zoo last Sunday. It was decided by their father that the son Lolo would drive us in the family minivan. The group totaled 11. The zoo was awesome, full of many animals we had never seen before.After Lolo parked the minivan, we stopped by several vendors on the way to the zoo entrance. This one was selling one type of fruit that you will never find in Food City!

Here's a first animal, the double-wattled cassowary. This bird resembled the little dinosaurs from one of the Jurassic Park series. This vendor was selling real ice cream sandwiches. He'd slice the bun, get a slab of ice cream, and serve it up. Unfortunately Jacob and his entourage was walking ahead of us at that point, otherwise I'd have tried one.
One of several Komodo Dragons! Yikes! I don't like looking at our house lizards any longer.I loved the black pattern in the white feathers of this bird.
Colorful beaks and extra parts were plentiful.
This guy had really long arms and walked around on his hind legs. He'd wave his arms around and looked just like Big Foot, only thinner.
Just for Amy O'Hatnick, here's an orangutan.
I think I'll stick with our black bears from the Smokies over this guy. Those claws look dangerous!
There was a full swimming pool for humans and also a pool where you could rent paddle boats. These guys are having a big time.
They tell me there are plenty of bats in Sumatra. I haven't seen any flying around but I'm keeping my eyes open.
Ingenious use of bicycle! He's making cotton candy with a contraption powered by his bicycle. You've gotta love it! The cotton candy tasted just like at home.
Nancy is quite adventurous when it comes to trying out unknown fruit items. This one comes covered in a red coating including some long bendy spines.
We visited a Bazaar after the Zoo and found a vendor selling little crabs in painted shells.We didn't realize they were crabs until one moved.Our friends Anna and Fine (Fee Nay) insisted on escorting the mother of Jacob, arm in arm. Nancy was sweltering but put up with the close contact.We visited an attraction in the park which had rounded river rocks of increasing size embedded in the cement. They were meant to massage various pressure points in your feet. Ouch! Some folks were even jogging around on them, without shoes of course!
We found a place to sit in the park and ordered some food. We were excited about getting some fresh fruit, though our enthusiasm dropped a bit when we found out it was covered with some smokin' hot peanut sauce. When we dug into the fruit layers we found a few of our ant friends.
We returned home and Jacob cooked a fine meal for us. He cut up some onions in the process and decided goggles were a good idea.

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