Thursday, July 7, 2011

Photos - June 6 and 7

Even washing clothes is an adventure when you are doing it for the first time. Here Nancy bravely tackles the chore. Thank goodness the settings were in English, but can someone tell us about the "fuzzy" setting? It took absolutely forever to wash the load.
This is the cooking shack for the canteen nearest our house. I was amazed to find the chef cooking everything over an open wood fire!
Right outside our neighborhood canteen there are several fish tanks, purported to hold fish though in some you cannot see through the green slimy water. There is also a duck pen, so I guess at some point duck with be on the canteen menu...or maybe they are just for eggs.
Here we are at our special fried chicken lunch with Siska, Yanche and Fine (clockwise from top).
Here's the entire gang, Duma, Lolo, Siska, Yanche, Leonee and Fine. I think you can pick us out without need of further identification.
This is in our first session with the Sunday School teachers. Two brave young ladies were leading us in one of their favorite songs. Stay tuned for videos.

We were walking to the super super market (three stories with clothes in addition to food) when we saw this little pile of trash / branches being burnt without anyone paying attention to it next to the sidewalk. That's just how it works here.

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