Sunday, July 3, 2011

Photos Sunday July 3

We were invited by Reina, the head of the English Department, to join her for church this morning. It turned out to be the special celebration service for the 150th anniversary of the protestant religion arriving in Sumatra. So there was much fanfare before the service, with the children tooting their horns, balloons and doves released into the air, all before we processed into the church.

Many of the children were dressed in what I assume to be native costumes. I'm not sure about the hats that look like Santa Claus.The children formed a double line at the entrance to the church campus and played their horns.After the initial festivities concluded we all processed in together. The ministers are visible inside the church, wearing their white bow tie collars.

Jacob treated us to a scrambled egg breakfast, cooked on our super propane stove top. His cooking was disturbed by a big lizard falling off the ceiling in the kitchen, and then a frog joined us as we were eating. Apparently last night's rain storm has brought out the frogs.

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