Sunday, July 17, 2011

Going to Church - July 17

This morning Reina, Nala, Kristen and Ezra arrived a few minutes later than usual to take us to church. We always say they are not late, they are just on Indonesian time! Since we only had a few minutes to get there, we had to walk at an American pace, and take all the shortcuts. This first shortcut is through some trees and sideyards behind our house.Then you continue next to a nice bamboo fence, connect with a grass road, then to the main paved back road to the church (and also to the Ramayana / Orange Market store).
Here we are in church, sitting right next to the youth choir. A female member of the clergy leads the worship. This is the 8:30 service conducted in Bahasa Indonesia. The 10:00 service is done in Batak language.
The sermon comes almost at the end of the service. Of course that means that the end of the service takes a long time. All you ministers out there, check out that height of the pulpit. The pastors here are definitely closer to God when they speak to the congregation.
The pews are long bench seats with gaps in the back rest so people in the next row can poke you. An interesting feature is the book rack.
After the service Jacob was mobbed by young ladies all of whom wanted to have a picture taken.
This continued all along the way home. It made the return trip take a long time.

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