Monday, July 25, 2011

Don't Look At This Post If Dirty Toilets Offend You

Though we have shown great restraint and impeccable taste in not publishing any photos of squat toilets thus far, we will relax that ruling. These are the toilets, or bathroom stalls, talked about in the description of our Saturday activities. Once again, if you don't want to look at these pictures, don't scroll down. They are not offensive, just culturally different. We left the school without finding the answer to the mystery: where do all the school teachers and students go to use the bathroom? Surely they don't just hold it all day long and surely they don't use the nearby drainage ditch.

Jacob protected himself from the odor.

This is the stall with the squat toilet. No water.

This is the stall without a toilet of any kind. Just use the floor!

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