Sunday, July 17, 2011

Scenes Around Nommensen

Saturday morning at 7 is the time for the high school students to do their group exercises on the main campus field. We were amazed by the sight of all the lime green workout jackets.
Saturday late afternoon we had our first major rainstorm of the visit. Jacob was out with friends and Nancy was walking to the store, but they both found cover and returned wet but safe.There are ten or so mangy dogs that have their run of campus and will wander into classes and buildings as they wish.
The campus has security guards at the main road entrance and also by the Dean's office. They are very friendly.
Here's the (Big) Orange Market, where we do most of our grocery shopping. Last week was big for sales because it was the start of a new school semester for K-12 kids.
Friday late afternoon is the time for major football (soccer) action. Since the teams are wearing uniforms I assume that Nommensen has a team and is playing a team from another school. We have asked this question but have not been able to explain it well enough to get an answer.
The field extends all the way over to the tree trunks and players fight for the ball in between the big roots.
This is the back road we walk along to reach church and the Orange Market.
Along the way there are many banana trees, some of them full of bananas. I am told that these are the right kind of fruit for making fried bananas (a local favorite).
The local ATMs are fun, in that you can easily walk away being a millionaire!

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