Sunday, July 3, 2011

Photos Friday July 1

I know, this isn't a picture from Friday but since our Wednesday turned into Friday without sleeping, I'm going to count it! The WOW crew provided a great send off at the Knoxville airport. The upper case for l doesn't work, so liza will understand this is not a comment on her! Rachel and liza drove us to the airport, when Rev. Amy, Sam and Jeremy were waiting for us. Thanks for the love!
Here's our first view of Indonesia, provided by Jacob plastered up against the window.Here's the big Medan airport, which makes Knoxville look like a major air terminal.
While we waited for our driver to pick us up in front of the Medan airport, I grabbed a seat next to these two young ladies from Jakarta. They were there to pick up their mother. They must really love her to come all that way. They were nice enough to let me get on their wireless device and send a quick Facebook message.
This is our hero, the first driver that picked us up at the airport and took us to the Medan campus. Notice the steering wheel on the right side. Traffic moves just like in Japan or the UK, on the left side of the street. We will get the hang of crossing the street soon.
There are a bazillion motorbikes here.
Evidently when folks get married here it is customary for friend to put up signs congratulating them. This is one of about 100 we saw for Harry and lulu.

Here we are in front of the Nommensen University Medan campus administration building. We are joined by the Rector and the Vice Rector, the two big guys for the university.Gas here costs around $2 a gallon and the stations are full service with nice young ladies in red jumpsuits. Sure beats the guys in the glass boxes at home.
This is an impressive mosque we saw on the road to Siantar.
You think we were tired? You think Nancy is going to kill me for including this photo?
Motorscooters are used for all sorts of transport.
We were stuck in a monumental traffic jam, which allowed us plenty of time to check out everyone from the village as they walked by.
With traffic in complete gridlock, our driver got out to discuss the situation with a local Barney Fife.
Most of the cooking is done on propane stoves so propane canisters are everywhere. our home has a big blue one.
This was a glorious sight, the official entrance to Siantar. our three hour trip took more than five hours.

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