Sunday, July 3, 2011

Photos Saturday July 2

Nancy and Jacob pause in front of our home before beginning our campus tour on Saturday. Note the banana tree in the background. Further in the background is housing for faculty members. Nancy points out that there are many lizards just above the front door, waiting to pounce!
Krystin, our student guide, shows off her cell phone while Jacob delights in connecting to the internet via his I-touch in the campus wi-fi hot spot. Unfortunately when we returned to the hot spot later in the day it was no longer hot. Apparently they turn it off when the last class in that building is over.
Here is Krystin, Nancy, Sun and Jacob resting for a moment during our campus tour. Both Krystin and Sun accompanied us for the day, including a visit to a shopping mall and the cell phone shop in town.This is at the cell phone shop, which was about the size of a telephone booth. Jacob, Sun and Krystin look over the available phone numbers for our new cell phone.Reina, the English Department head, conducts an outdoor class on Saturday afternoon. She was giving feedback to the thesis proposals submitted by her students. The field behind them was the location for a big soccer match the day before.

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