Sunday, June 20, 2010

Philae Temple

Hello its jacob again and we woke up this morning on our nice train ride to aswan. they said our cabin was first class but it was still skechy. We were greeted by someone who would take us to our tour guide. our guide was waiting for us at our cruise ship whichwe would ride for the next 3 days. first he took us to aswan dam. aswan dam is a dam in way south egypt that keeps the nile from flooding but also gives constant irrigation to the farmers to let them grow food year round.

next we took a boat ride to philea temple and looked at all the impressive ruins.

now we'll go to the unfinished obelisk. this obelisk was being built by the feamale pharaoh hatshepsut when sadly it cracked in 2 pieces. if it was completed it would have been the biggest obelisk in all of egypt, except this story has a double edge like all of them. since this obelisk was unfinished, it gave us a look into how the egyptians made these massive towers of stone!

Next we sailed to elephantine island and saw a cool museum with all types of artifacts

after that we sailed to another island with a pleasant garden and a friendly ibis. the garden had all types of plants from all over the world! also the garden had many birds that caked the place in bird poop! a bird even pooped on craig!

well thats al for now!

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