Monday, June 14, 2010

Getting Ready

Hi. I'm Jacob Friedrich and I will be helping to do my Family's blog. In this blog you will learn about the best civilization that lasted over 3000 years, also known as Egypt, and our travel there.
Okay, enough talk, lets get on with today! Today, well, about this past week, our family has been so excited about Egypt and we've been preparing like crazy! We purchased all sorts of snacks like fig newtons, poptarts, granola bars, and others to ensure that we don't starve to death. The small laptop that i am typing on right now was another 'big buy' specifically to update our blogs. I also got some awesome sunglasses!
Here Craig is packing.

We have had to throw together all types of things to take like our swimsuits and goggles, entertainment for our long flight ( ipod, notepad, gameboy ), our clothes that are light and white, and our happy attitudes! Yay! Below is some of mine and all of mom's stuff scattered over the floor.

Today i also cleaned out Frolcik, my rabbit, so that she is all clean for when Carly, our animal caretaker, comes over while we're gone. Carly will also be taking care of my epic garden and the rest of the pets. I also cleaned and vacuumed my whole room! Now that was a serious undertaking!
Happy Bunny!

This evening it also rained. Is this a bad omen? Well, no matter what, the Friedrichs have their mind set on where they are going and nothing can stop them! :) For dinner we went out to eat at Bricks, a pizza place, for our last taste of american food. We are certainly prepared for our trip and are anxious to get going!!!!!


  1. Your room looks clean Jacob! Good job! Please don't wake me up too early tomorrow. Thanks

  2. Looks great so far. I think y'all are currently somewhere between New York and Cairo. Do enjoy!
