Thursday, June 3, 2010

Michael's Graduation

These are scenes from Isle of Palms the first week of June when Craig and I joined many other Friedrich family members for Mike's graduation. Here are Kaley and Erika sitting in their 'jammies on the fireplace hearth.
Erika is a never ending motion machine. She needs a full time tender and it was good that we had four or five people to watch her most of the time.Doug arrived on Thursday just in time for the trek to the graduation in North Charleston. Sue arranged for a nice dinner for the gang very close to the arena. Erika was starting to tire out a bit at that point and allowed Doug to hold her.

Mike as the guest of honor got first dibs in the food line. Hats off to Sue for arranging a great meal.
At the start of the ceremony they asked all parents and grandparents to stand up and be recognized. The graduates gave them a rousing round of applause.

Mike's row (that would be lucky 13) started to move toward the stage for their moment of fame.

Here's Mike moving across the stage to get the big sheepskin.

Here's Mike returning to his seat after successfully navigating the stage crossing, hand shaking, diploma receiving and making it back to the right row...all without tripping!

This is a rare photo of Erika asleep. She lasted through the first 500 graduates but then gave up. We all wished we could have joined her!

Look at this good looking group of young people outside of Mike's graduation. David came directly from his second day on the job at the Medical University of South Carolina (doing a research project) to join us. Grandpa and Grandma Michigan (Sue's parents) arrived on Wednesday to join in all the fun.

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