Monday, April 5, 2010

Yosemite Reflections

There are many vivid images to capture in Yosemite. A trip there is a genuine memory maker. This first image is Jacob posing next to John Muir, the famous naturalist, in the Yosemite Village Visitor Center. Muir was a leader in the crusade for protecting Yosemite and the surrounding areas from development and exploitation in the 1880s.

Every morning we approached Yosemite from the El Portal entrance. As if the curves, views and forests didn't offer enough drama, the road splits and our lane sneaks between these surrounding rocks. There is not much room for error as the gap is barely wide enough to allow for the yellow lines on either side of the lane.

We were surrounded by many textures of nature. The bark of many trees demonstrated incredible varieties of texture. The sequoias sport a bark that is extremely thick and topped with what almost seems like fur. The picture below is of a ponderosa pine, with thick bark that fits together in a puzzle pattern, with each piece of bark marked with what looks like a jigsaw puzzle.

Half Dome is visible from so many different places in the valley. With its position of prominence, it reflects an every changing play of light.

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