Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Our Work in Indonesia - Wrap Up Presentation

We have been asked to prepare a summary presentation of the work we did in Indonesia. Words cannot capture the deep friendships and incredible sharing we experienced during our five weeks in northern Sumatra. But these are the statistics describing our workshops and other experiences:

Our Work in Indonesia

Presented 20 Workshops at Nommensen

} Attendance ranged from 15 students to 100 students and faculty members

} Each workshop lasted two hours, plus an additional time of Q & A and cultural exchange

Workshop Titles

} Bilingual Teaching

} Communication Skills

} Cross Cultural Training I

} Cross Cultural Training II

} Lesson Plan Concepts – for Lecturers

} Lesson Plan Concepts – for Students

} Microsoft Powerpoint Training

} Review of Typographical Symbols

} Teaching Young Children – for Lecturers

} Teaching Young Children – for Students

} Writing & Grammar

} Speaking & Listening

} Reading Comprehension

} Classroom Discipline

} English Methods and Games

} Microsoft Word Training

} The Writing Process

} Teaching Young Children – Grades 1 – 6

} Grammar

} Microsoft Excel Training

Presented 5 Workshops for Sunday School teachers at Nommensen

Presented 5 Workshops for HKI Sunday School teachers

} Workshop Topics:

} Introduction to Sunday School

} How to Handle Behavior Problems

} Learning Styles of Children (and Adults)

} Lesson Planning Techniques

} Songs & Games

Classroom presentations at other local schools

} We visited many classes where we presented lessons and cultural information:

} SMP #1 – Ibu Rioda Panjaitan

Kimh’s English School – Two Days

} Methodist School – Two Days

} Express English Course – Tanah Jawa Resort, Balimbingan with Sun Indiria

Official Visits

} Meeting with Pastors at HKI

} English class with Pastors at HKI

} Visit to HKI Orphanage – Panti Asuhan Zarfat in Bah Sampuran

} HKBP Kindergarten

} Visit to grave of Dr. Nommensen, Sigumpar

Presented at 4 PGRI Simalungun Region Teachers Organization Meetings

} Teacher Workshop – #1 – Tiga Balata

} Developing Lesson Plans

} Teacher Workshop - #2 –

} Overview - American Culture in School

} Teacher Workshop - #3 – Hutabayu Raja

} Overview – Technology in Teaching plus American Culture in School

} Teacher Workshop - #4 - Parapet

} School Leadership

English Club

Thesis Reviews

Curriculum Reviews

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