Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Blast on a Becak

Today we were away from the university and had to return relatively quickly. Bertha and Reina decided that a becak ride was the best bet. Pronounced "bay cha", this transportation form consists of an old motorcycle with a covered side car attached. They say the seat is wide enough for two people but there are some size limitations! It makes an economy class airline seat seem like a royal throne.We had to fold up almost double in order to fit in.
The becak drivers have two mirrors to look out for approaching traffic. They putt putt along and don't go more than 25 mph.
This is looking back to Jacob and Nancy's becak. All you can really see is Jacob's lower leg pressed against the front of their vehicle. I believe Jacob has grown quite a bit in our five weeks here.
Once again, looking back to Nancy and Jacob. Note the driver has his jacket on backwards. This just makes sense, as the wind presses it against his body rather than ripping it off.
I shared my becak with Reina. I believe she enjoyed sharing the experience with me, although this was certainly not her first becak ride. The reading materials, I believe, are for the becak driver while he is awaiting his fare. I can't believe anyone would actually read a book while riding in one of these.
Home again in one piece!
My becak driver said that he gets his picture taken all the time, and made sure I knew that his motorcycle was from England. I didn't have the heart to tell him he needed a Harley to really rule Siantar,

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