Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Jacob, One Coconut, One Machete, and Many Girls

Disclaimer: this event was not witnessed or approved by either parental unit. This happened several weeks ago.

Jacob was visited by some friends who brought him some rambutan, which is the red spiky fruit. They explained that it could be picked from nearby trees, and off they went.
They disappeared for some time. When Jacob returned he told us a story about cracking open coconuts with a machete. He brought pictures to illustrate his story. Evidently the girls showed him how to strike the coconut with the machete, then let him have a try.
Just like every other event in Indonesia, a group picture was organized. Note: this is not the porch of our house, but a house on the neighboring grounds of the seminary.
Jacob said that he was not successful in peeling off the outer layers but the girls had mastered the technique.
Once the coconut is cracked open then you drain off the milk and scrape out the meat.
They even had a special contraption for this. It looks like a big iron spoon attached to a stool.

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