Thursday, May 20, 2010

Craig's Graduation - Day One (Friday)

Craig's graduation day with us began at his humble abode on Lee Street where we connected with him and Brooke. After reflecting on the surroundings and being thankful that Craig was moving out of Lee St. soon, we headed for our first event of the day...the fraternity barbeque. The event was held at the "upscale Lee Street", a house rented by four of Craig's frat brothers. We ate enough barbeque to last us through the evening, and that was before we found the Hokie cookies. Everyone agreed the cookies were the best, but we limited ourselves to one. After all, there was also cake and chocolate chip cookies. We also engaged in a few highly competitive rounds of "corn hole", which apparently is what people in Blacksburg do in their spare time.

We had some time before Mitzi and Roland were due in, so we made a tour of Brooke's studio in the Architecture Building, and trapsed around that part of campus. We ended up by the duck pond and fortunately Jacob controlled himself long enough for the ducks to escape.
Then Mitzi and Roland arrived, we returned to Lee St., reflected a bit, then decided we needed to head to Lane Stadium before all the parking spots were taken. We paused for some pictures outside the stadium, and then Craig got the text message...due to the weather, the event was delayed for an hour. We looked around, a few clouds but no rain. We decided to go on into the stadium, where Nancy had her hidden sandwiches discovered by the guard (who was apparently in charge of protecting the profits of the one concession stand open in the entire stadium).

We grabbed the best seats in the house, right on the 50 yard line, seat back benches nonetheless! If only the Hokies were playing, these would have gone for $100 each! As it was, we waited patiently, watched the workers covering the platform with plastic, searched the skies for a real threat of rain, and connected with Craig via cell phone.

Finally after our extra hour wait (no rain, no lightning, nice breeze) the entrance of the graduates began!

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