Thursday, May 20, 2010

Craig's Graduation - The Big Event + Saturday early

After about a thousand rounds of Pomp and Circumstance (played exquisitely by the Hokie Symphonic Orchestra) all the graduates were finally into the stadium and aligned in the 3,600 seats (count'em!). After several false sightings, we finally located Craig, thanks to the magic of cell phones. Can you find Craig in the picture below? He stands on the 45 yard line (approximately) in the middle section, conveniently on the aisle closest to us. He's the one talking on the cell phone, looking up at the stands and shielding his eyes. That's three rows from the back. Once everyone was situated and had called all their friends and relatives, the show began! The mace came in, and then the mace went out. In between we heard a bunch of speeches from various dignitaries representing a large number of groups at Virginia Tech. We learned that the graduates were now alumni, that they did not have to pay dues, and they got to keep their email addresses for life. The Governor of Virginia received good rating for his speech, while the others tended to drone on a bit long as we wondered if the rain would ever make an appearance.

As if by divine guidance, the ceremony ended, we reflected on the awesomeness of the evening while still in our $100 seats, and the rain began. No photos of the rain, you'll have to take our word for it.

We regrouped at Lee St. and decided to call it a night.

The next morning we reconvened in Christiansburg, witht the thought of avoiding the crush of luncheon parties in Blacksburg. As we drove around Christiansburg randomly in three cars, converging from three directions, Craig decided our actual luncheon location in real time. Somehow we all ended up at O'Charleys and enjoyed a wonderful lunch.

After lunch we headed back to Blacksburg and got ready for the Main Event - the Engineering Department graduation, where Craig would actually have his name called, walk across the stage, and pick up that precious diploma.

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