Friday, May 21, 2010

The Engineers Go Wild!

It was a little easier to find Craig on the basketball court as opposed to the football field the night before. It helped that the graduates wandered in on their own rather than in a procession. We arrived in plenty of time to get a choice seat in order to keep a good eye on Craig. Jacob went exploring before the ceremony began and returned with some nice cups of shaved ice. They came in handy because it was a bit balmy in the arena. For those of you who are still recovering from the Stephen and Betsy / Lenoir Rhyne blast furnance, this wasn't nearly that hot.

The professors and department heads arrived in a formal procession and meanwhile Jacob relocated to another part of the arena. Craig had provided him with a medium sized air horn and we told him he could use it only if he was away from us. If you look closely at the picture below, he is sitting in the top most upper regions of the stands, directly under a bright light. And yes, when Craig was announced, Jacob blared the air horn several times. Mitzi will testify that Jacob was not the first person to let loose with an air horn that day.

Here's the big moment with Craig's name being announcing and him striding across the stage.

After the ceremony concluded, we all moved over to one of Craig's engineering buildings to join a reception held for his Industrial Engineering group. A big welcoming area was filled with the project posters created by each group in the Senior Design class. Craig's group had documented best practices in a General Electric facility and placed highly in the judging of all the projects.

Below is Craig with his Senior Design professor.

After the Industrial Engineering reception we posed for a great photo op in front of the burgundy VE hedges across from the War Memorial.

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