Monday, July 11, 2011

Baking Bread - Saturday and Sunday

The stores usually have two or three types of wheat flour next to the mountain of rice options. At first I thought this was cake flour (by the name) but then I saw "roti" which means bread. Also it had the highest protein content of all the options.I mixed up the dough in a metal pan and then transferred it to the top of a cake holder. I attached the bottom and then put it up on a bowl to hopefully discourage the ants from checking it out. Making this first batch was quite a step back, as I am used to my measuring spoons and cups, digital scale, and proofing cabinet and double oven at St. John's.Here's my dough a day later after it has cooled overnight in the fridge. Even though I added no sugar, it had a very sweet smell.
I divided the batch in two and then transferred the dough to the corrugated aluminum pans that came with the oven. I then put the dough/pans onto a tray and let it rise inside the oven. Once again, this was to protect the dough from the ants. Little did I know that the lizards would be an equal menace!
The bread rises inside the oven. The oven temperature gauge is pegged at 200 C. I assume it was about 400 F inside the oven. It heated up very quickly.
We baked the bread Sunday after church with Reina and Ezra witnessing. Reina is wearing her "cobia" which is a beautiful formal dress which is worn around here.
Here you can see how the oven box perches on top of the propane stove. We used a tea pot lid on the right side to level it.
The finished product! Not bad for a first attempt. The first loaf was delicious. The second have to read the post "The Sad Tale of the Second Loaf".

1 comment:

  1. Greetings, My name is Stephen Yang-Smith, and I'm coming to Nommensen in Medan to volunteer in the fall. I live in Atlanta. I see you wearing a Butler shirt. Did you attend there? I'm originally from Indy. You're into a great adventure there. I can't wait!
