Saturday, August 13, 2011

Video - Farewell Party - "Dancing Queen"

As we returned home from our long long trip to Huta Bayu Raja, Jacob discovered that Ernie and Maylena share his love of Abba. So for the farewell party Jacob knew they would have to perform "Dancing Queen".


  1. hahahahah, nice..... We feel that we were the singers here. I want to go back again, hahaha
    but, I'm sorry sir, my name is Ernie but 'Erni' without e at the end.
    Thank you for uploading such the videos sir ^_^

  2. hahahahah, nice..... We feel that we were the singers here. I want to go back again, hahaha
    but, I'm sorry sir, my name is not Ernie but 'Erni' without e at the end.
    Thank you for uploading the videos sir ^_^
